¿ɹǝʇʇıl⅁ ɹo ɓoℲ - TheEndisnever TheEndisnever...

Lauren Fong (VAV - moving image)

¿ɹǝʇʇıl⅁ ɹo ɓoℲ is an immersive film exploring the concept of navigation in the context of cultural in-betweenness and mixed cultural identity from the perspective of a first-generation Cuban-European. The journey begins at her wake within a dream, as she deep dives and wanders through the spaces that embody her inner hybrid matter – an in-between space where memory and fantasy merge and overlap. In this dream you navigate towards a labyrinth of memories that morph as you move – you venture into a virtual space that embodies the hybridity and non-fixity of the self. 

Music by Joris Benjamins